Monday, January 16, 2006

Sri Lanka's ethnic Clashes Continue

Many of you may know that historically there has been a civil war in Sri Lanka. There are two major ethincities in Sri Lanka, Tamil and Singhalese. The Singhalese, when british rule ended took power as they were more open to westernization and adoption of british systems. They held major positions in governement etc. However, there started to be a distinct clash between the two groups soon after independance and the Singhalese majority started to opress the Tamil people. This lead to insurgency by various Tamil liberation groups. One of these groups was the Tamil Tigers, they were the ones that out lasted all others and at present haved formed a de facto governing system in the north of Sri Lanka.

In the media the Tamil Tigers are often referred to as a terrorist organization. However, it is important to note that thier presence and purpose historically was to stop the acts of inhumanity on Tamil people, and to liberate them as a people and a state. Thier methods have been extreme and war-like, but argualbly that is the reason they still exist and havent been wiped out by the Sri Lankan army.

In recent history there have been efforts to stop the civil war and peace has been estabilished in the north. The Sri Lankan governement had made many statements of bringing equity to the nation and Tamil people. However, the natural disasters and political turnover that caused a pause in the progress and the current government seems to be making few strides to make peace.

Whats more is that there seems to be violence breaking in the north again. There seem to be students being attacked and allegedly killed at gun point by Sri Lankan army officals. These acts may be a warning to the Tigers or just acts to re-start the civil war.
I've been sent a press release detailing the murder of Tamil university students. The murders seem to be acts of malice and have no real connection to the individual or personal issues. (For more information, please contact us at 416-841-1013. )
I am unsure of how credible this information is, but I have no doubt that there is truth in the article. These types of violations to human rights are a common-stay in Sri Lanka and a big reason I was hoping for peace.
The sad thing is that during the recent elections in Sri Lanka there was a chance for a candidate of neutral views and progressive attitude to be elected. His name was Ranil Wickremasinghe and he had promised to make the North and the East (Tamil populated areas) federal states. This would have been best but he lost the election, and the Tamil Tigers are partially to blame as they ordered a boycott on the election disabling thousands of Tamils from voting.
In the end I think both the LTTE (Tamil Tigers) and the Sri Lankan governement are too tied up in the game of politics and are too prideful to see the need or the way to peace. The LTTE, apparently wouldnt allow Tamils to vote as they did not want to see the Sri Lankan governement as a body that rules over Tamils, ergo no need for Tamils to vote. But this was a rather insipid act I think and will definately cause a step-back for the peace process. The Sri Lankan governement now, without the influence of Mr. Wickremasinghe will do little to apease the Tamils.

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